15 Things We've Learned in 15 Years of Marriage

Lesson #12–Say “I Love You.”

I hate to be morbid, but you just never know when a conversation will be your last. I want the last words I say to my husband to be “I love you.” Since I don’t know when exactly those words will be, I try to be sure I say them often. It is how we end phone calls and the last thing we say before one of us leaves our home.

I think we often over-complicate things. I know I am really good at that. But in the case of telling a spouse that you love him, I don’t think there is a down side. We all benefit from such constant reminders. Our kids benefit from hearing that their parents love each other, too. In a world full of criticism and judging, such a simple phrase can be the buoy that our loved ones need.

In a previous post I mentioned how the words we say can give us a boost. It applies here, too. When we say those three simple words to our loved ones, we are strengthening that resolve in our own minds as well.

Too Much of a Good Thing Is a Good Thing

When I originally decided to share these 15 things that we have learned, I brainstormed my list and shared it with my husband. He approved. Then I researched each item, so I could share relevant research that supported my ideas. When I researched this concept of saying “I love you,” I was surprised to see that the majority of articles were discussing how it is said too much. Some people claimed that they thought that we weaken those words when we say them too often. I can’t disagree more. Maybe in a less-committed dating relationship it is dangerous to say these three powerful words too often. But in a marriage, I would argue we can’t say them enough.

Correct me if you have, but I have never met a couple who divorced because a spouse said “I love you” too much. It is an affirmation that blesses both the speaker and the listener. You don’t have to say it in your every breath (that would definitely undermine your ability to communicate…). Consider saying it at least daily. Decide what works for you.

We are in the last few days of our 15 Lessons! I hope you have found some sort of takeaway that will bring more joy to your life and to your relationship. If you have missed any of the lessons in the series so far, here they are:


2-Don’t Compare

3-Love His Family

4-Dream Together

5-Budget Together

6-Worship Together

7-Laugh Together

8-Go to Sleep Together

9-Speak Up

10-Share a Calendar

11-Speak Kindly




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