15 Things We've Learned in 15 Years of Marriage

Lesson #7–Laugh Together

Research substantiates the fact that relationships are strengthened through laughter. Find things to do together that will allow you those opportunities to laugh together. In our marriage, we may border on laughing too much, but I think this has helped us through some pretty big challenges. My husband and I agree that the key is to not take yourself too seriously.

If you have been fighting or arguing a lot, it may feel counterintuitive to laugh. Try it anyway. Laughter, especially in times of tension, can be very healing.

Here are some easy ideas:

Watch a funny show together (we currently love watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine) and bring up funny scenes in conversations
Sing Disney duets together (the cheesier, the better!)
Have inside jokes and bring them up often (bring them up in private conversations, not always in group settings where everyone else feels excluded…)
Quote movies together (you can make it a game: “What movie is this from…”)
Be silly sometimes (make a silly face/wear a silly outfit)
Prank call your spouse, even though you know he has caller ID
Play a game like charades/Pictionary/Catch Phrase but don’t keep score (we love to play Catch Phrase together on long road trips)
Make a funny video that you don‘t post on social media (–we’ve done this and cried laughing!)

Don’t Get Mean

Sometimes there is a thin line between a funny prank and a hurtful prank. If you are already angry with your spouse, avoid pranks. Also, it is always safer to make yourself look silly than to try to make your spouse look silly. Keep timing in mind. Don’t wear a silly office and show up at her office if you know her boss’ boss will be there and you will embarrass her or jeopardize her promotion. Be intentional. Save that crazy t-shirt you found at a thrift store for a time when you’ll both be home together. Once you’ve gotten a laugh out of it, you can find out how she really feels about the shirt and decide when/where you’ll wear it in the future.

Tickle fights and pillow fights can be fun, too, but can sometimes get out of hand when you are too angry. It’s probably best to save those activities for times when you are not angry.

Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine

If you need a place to start, maybe try a funny .gif in a text message. Your text could say, “I’ve heard about this funny new show. Want to watch an episode with me tonight after the kids go to bed?” If he doesn’t respond, don’t harass him. Maybe he’s busy. You can prank call him later or just bring it up casually when he gets home. Laughter is contagious, so the more humor you incorporate into your life, the easier it will be to infect your spouse. Laughter binds people together. If you feel like your relationship has lost some “spark,” laughter may be exactly what you need to bring more joy into your life together.

Lesson #7: Don’t take yourself too seriously. Laugh Together.

Missed one of the lessons so far?


2-Don’t Compare

3-Love His Family

4-Dream Together

5-Budget Together

6-Worship Together

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