15 Things We've Learned in 15 Years of Marriage

Lesson #6–Worship Together

One of the things that has been an incredible strength in our relationship is how our faith has grown together. We attend the same church services. But it doesn’t stop there. We also talk about our faith and worship within the walls of our own home. We communicate our feelings and our experiences with each other. These strengthen us and our connection is deeper.

Being unified in what we believe helps us in the way that we raise our kids and in the way that we communicate with each other. We prioritize our faith and family, maintaining weekly “Family Home Evenings” where we commit to staying home together that one day each week and rotate assignments with our children. The rotating assignments include prayers, song, scripture, lesson, activity, and treat. It has been incredibly strengthening for our family to take turns with these assignments. I love to sit in our family room and have one of our kids teaching us! It is one of my favorite things in the whole world.

When couples are on the same page about something so critical, they can continue progressing in the same direction. My husband and I are not the same people we were 15 years ago, but we have grown together. We are stronger–together. We have had many faith-building experiences–together. This has helped us to trust each other more and to love each other more freely. Often we have extraordinary experiences as individuals. Because we are comfortable sharing our faith with each other, we share those experiences with each other. This strengthens our faith and our relationship. Definitely a win-win.

I am not telling you that you must believe the same things I believe. That is not my job. What I am telling you is to know what you believe and to talk about those beliefs with your spouse and listen, in turn, to his beliefs. If your beliefs do not align, you will probably (if you haven’t already) have challenges and disagreements. Continue to work through these challenges, striving to come to a place where you are both on the same page. It is worth it.

Lesson #6: Don’t just go (or not go) to the same church. Worship together. Believe something. Be on the same page.

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