Hi, friend.

I am Alissa McClure. I am a mother to five kids, a wife to my best friend, a teacher, and a children’s book writer. I am the oldest of four kids and have learned that I am a perpetual big sister. I want to share things that I have learned and helps along the way with as many people as I can. You will probably notice that the majority of my blog posts are articles based on things I have learned as a mother in the trenches. I am a firm believer that it takes a village to raise a child. What I love is that once I have shared something, my amazing readers add comments that make the article even better and more helpful! I hope you’ll join in on our conversations, too.

If you are interested in knowing more about how you can schedule me to come visit your school or library, check out my new website: AlissaMcClure.com!

Did you know?

If you want to know more about Alissa McClure and her books, you’re in the right place! Click through the following interview questions to learn more!

Why children's books?

I write children’s books because that is where my heart is. I love and appreciate literature in many genres, but my heart will be forever changed by the beauty of books like Little Women and Anne of Green Gables and Ramona Quimby.

What have you written?

I self-published my first book, A Nace’s Adventure in March 2017. I never wrote it to be published. It was only meant to be a Christmas present for my nieces and nephews again (it’s the big sister thing again). It was an eye-opening experience, but one for which I will be forever grateful because it was the impetus to my professional writing career.

Have you written anything else?

My second picture book, Oggie the Otter, will be available the beginning of December. I wrote this book to open a dialogue about picky eating. I think sometimes when we moms are in the trenches trying to get our kids to eat, it can get easy to become frustrated and either feel like we are failing or like our children are being unreasonable (or both!). When we stop and listen to what our kids are trying to say, we may realize a better solution that does not involve bribery or coercion. It’s a win-win!

What's next?

I am already hard at work on my first middle-grade novel! It is a story about Houston–the city we call home. We love Houston and my hope is to convey something beautiful through this novel.

What do you for fun?

I love to sing, read, travel, hike, camp, and learn new things.

What is something readers may not already know about you?

I am terrible at dancing, snapping my fingers, and anything else that requires coordination!

Thank you!

I am so honored that you stopped by to meet me today! I hope you’ll come back and visit often. If you have a question about me or one of my books or articles, contact me.

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